The active viewer

I was thinking that one of the advantages of a 3D painting is that you make the viewer become more active in order to explore the painting. Of course this is also achievable by adding different points of interest inside a flat painting but this comes after de viewer acquires a general and complete view of the representation. In the case of the 3D painting this happens since the beginning and is part of building a general picture.

On the 15th of September I went to the Tate Modern and I saw several Pieces from a group called “New Tendencies”, founded in 1961  in Zagreb. Croatia. The introduction to this exhibition also referenced the “Active viewer” that would  engage with art  in a real time and space.

Physichromie N0. 113 – Carlos Cruz Diez – 1963

Kinetic Relief -Optical Acceleration – Jean Pierre Yvaral – 1963

My reflection For me it was really interesting to see this pieces, although I did not see them as painting I was exited to see an object that potentially works like a 3D painting. For me, when the active becomes active, he/she is abel go get involved with body and mind and this is a great area to explore for painting. I was also thinking that with the digital image the process could go on two different directions. Firstly. the viewer could physically interact with the canvas to obtain a fluid projected image. like depth maps seen on the Internet. the other one could be using kinect to change the image when the spectator changes its point if view.]]>